Better Talk Now

Better Talk Now, our 2004 Breeders Cup Turf winner was taken to New Bolton Center on Tuesday afternoon.  I was trying to think how to write in layman’s terms his condition but Dr. Castro sent the following which sums it up:

Better Talk Now has a gastrointestinal problem that does not allow normal function of his esophagus and small intestine. This problem has led to a continuous amount of gastric fluid build up over the last 48 hours and severe reflux, which in turn has led to pneumonia from inhalation of the reflux.

The cause of this problem is still unknown, although botulism is suspected. He has been undergoing supportive therapy at NBC  since Tuesday and for the first time since then, is regaining some of his normal GI function. His reflux has finally stopped and his attitude has greatly improved.

He is still in critical condition, but it appears that as of today, he has taken an important first step towards recovery. We are cautiously optimistic.

While writing this Dr. Castro spoke to our barn veterinarian Dr. Reid and said they are still happy with him this morning, are going to stop the fluids and maybe try him with some food.

I went to visit him on Wednesday and he nickered when I went in.  I was pleasantly surprised, knowing how sick he was that he wanted to interact and have a talk and a hug!  He kept going back to the large picture window he has to look out of as that is where he wanted to be so we just hung out the window together for a while.


Yesterday, Mary Jo Trotter who did most of his therapy on him while he was in training, went with me.  Again, he nickered to us both and really wanted to interact.  Think he really wanted us to take him out of there!  Lots of hugs, kisses, walking around to make sure we went to his window!  He looked happy and they said he seemed perkier to them too.  While we were there they wanted us to hold him while they unraveled his drip line and he was so good about it.  He knows they are helping him.  We also noticed that his has the word ‘kicks’ on his door which in this case is good!


We’ll go back again today as although he gets plenty of attention I really think he likes to see people he knows and of course he’s so special to all of us here as I think Graham will agree, his win in the Breeders Cup was the pivotal turning point in his career.{jcomments on}



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