Better Talk Now

A few people have asked how Better Talk Now is enjoying his retirement so I thought I would tell you how his day goes.  After going on the walker for some exercise in the morning  he then goes out in a big paddock with his new best friend, Gala Spinaway.   It’s amazing how well they get on, especially only having met a few weeks ago.  At first Gala was definitely the ‘chief’ but Blackie is getting much bolder and even tried to take some carrot out of Gala’s mouth the other day!  He eats all sorts of things that he wouldn’t touch in training, i,e, carrots, peppermints, oat/apple treats!  He started eating them because Gala Spinaway eats all these things and he was feeling left out so he learnt pretty quickly that they are nice!!
After spending a relaxing day playing with Gala, running around and eating grass they are both ready to come in about 4pm.  They wait patiently at the gate but once you have them out of the paddock ready to walk back one of them (either one) has to have a jump which makes the other one do the same, so basically he has a jump and a buck every day before walking back all puffed up across the grass, – all pleased with himself, until he gets to the road where he is sensible enough to settle down immediately!  He get to the grass by the barn and he wants to eat!!!  Bear in mind he’s been on the green stuff all day, the way he eats this grass you wouldn’t think he’s seen it in a month!!
Eventually, when HE has decided he’s had enough he goes in the barn where NOTHING has changed since he used to walk around when in training.  He dives into the nearest feed tub he can see, with whoever is holding him literally having to drag him out!  Then you think it’s easy!  One turn into his stall straight ahead!   Well, that depends!  For instance today his door was shut with a rake up against it so……you stop him, take the rake away, open the door and then in??  By this time he’s obviously realized he’s stopped and once he’s stopped people don’t always find it easy to make him start again!  So… tell him what a good boy he is, walk straight into his stall – and he stays outside!  You may still have a chance!  No, he’s put his head up, turned sideways and he knows horses don’t go in their stalls sideways so he’s got you beat!!!
You then have to start again which means walking around the shedrow, dragging him out of feed tubs and pleading with him that he goes in next time around!   So, basically nothing has changed for him.  He still has his routine, he’s still spoiled and is as happy as can be!

A few people have asked how Better Talk Now is enjoying his retirement so I thought I would tell you how his day goes.  After going on the walker for some exercise in the morning  he then goes out in a big paddock with his new best friend, Gala Spinaway.   It’s amazing how well they get on, especially only having met a few weeks ago.  At first Gala was definitely the ‘chief’ but Blackie is getting much bolder and even tried to take some carrot out of Gala’s mouth the other day!  He eats all sorts of things that he wouldn’t touch in training, i,e, carrots, peppermints, oat/apple treats!  He started eating them because Gala Spinaway eats all these things and he was feeling left out so he learnt pretty quickly that they are nice!!            

After spending a relaxing day playing with Gala, running around and eating grass they are both ready to come in about 4pm.  They wait patiently at the gate but once you have them out of the paddock ready to walk back one of them (either one) has to have a jump which makes the other one do the same, so basically he has a jump and a buck every day before walking back all puffed up across the grass, – all pleased with himself, until he gets to the road where he is sensible enough to settle down immediately!  He get to the grass by the barn and he wants to eat!!!  Bear in mind he’s been on the green stuff all day, the way he eats this grass you wouldn’t think he’s seen it in a month!!              

Eventually, when HE has decided he’s had enough he goes in the barn where NOTHING has changed since he used to walk around when in training.  He dives into the nearest feed tub he can see, with whoever is holding him literally having to drag him out!  Then you think it’s easy!  One turn into his stall straight ahead!   Well, that depends!  For instance today his door was shut with a rake up against it so……you stop him, take the rake away, open the door and then in??  By this time he’s obviously realized he’s stopped and once he’s stopped people don’t always find it easy to make him start again!  So… tell him what a good boy he is, walk straight into his stall – and he stays outside!  You may still have a chance!  No, he’s put his head up, turned sideways and he knows horses don’t go in their stalls sideways so he’s got you beat!!!               

You then have to start again which means walking around the shedrow, dragging him out of feed tubs and pleading with him that he goes in next time around!   So, basically nothing has changed for him.  He still has his routine, he’s still spoiled and is as happy as can be!

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