I miss him!

RamonandBI was looking through some old photo’s today and found this one of Better Talk Now doing his usual ‘planting himself’.  It was obviously taken from the stands and it reminded me of the character of the racetrack that I miss.  Not wanting to go anywhere when he got on to the track, not down to the start, not on to the turf track, not in the gate…..!  He was always so entertaining to watch and made a lot of people chuckle.  He had a few people sweating too trying to move him!

I looked at him today in his stall and laughed to myself and then I was sad that we’ll never see him do those antics on a racetrack again.  He’s having a great retirement but to watch all this and then the way he used to come from last to first – breathtaking.{jcomments on}

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