Icabad Crane is a winner!!

Icabad Crane - Americas Most Wanted Thoroughbred

Icabad was a winner on the track and he was a very special winner today.  He won the America’s Most Wanted Thoroughbred Contest at Pimlico which, like last year was an incredible event with every single horse being an ex-racehorse.  They showcased pretty much most next careers they can do, from hunting to ranch work, to barrel racing and more.  There was even a girl who did trick riding with her four horses.  The whole weekend was an amazing accolade to all these wonderful horses.

The 10 Most Wanted was for horses who were hand-picked by Steuart Pittman for excelling at their new careers in a short period of time.  Of course we know Icabad has done wonderfully since he’s been with Phillip Dutton and of course we were biased, but he had some good competition.  You really ended up wanting to vote for them all!

It was live-streamed by the Bloodhorse.com and they are to be commended for helping to showcase such an important event in these horses lives.  Perhaps next year it will make national TV! http://www.herringswellstables.com/administrator/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&layout=edit&id=1066

Congratulations to everyone and special thanks to Icabad Crane, Phillip Dutton and not forgetting his 13 year old daughter Olivia who trotted him quietly around the arena after Dad had got him fired up jumping!.  Secretly I think he was as thrilled as if he’d won Rolex!

Photos to follow……

As a P.S. Phillip and his wife Evie said it was quite amusing when Icabad got off the van as usually he takes it in his stride and goes into his alloted stall.  This morning was different.  He walked a couple of strides and stopped dead and stared at the grandstand!  Deja vu?  He certainly knew he was at a racetrack as opposed to an event, that was for sure.

Thanks to Megan Stapley for the photo!

Eventing Nation



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