No Betsy

BetsyIt’s going to be hard going in to work tomorrow with no Betsy.  She was put to sleep yesterday as she was not doing great.  She was lethargic and dehydrated (she had plenty of access to water) and age was just catching up with her.  We’ve had her for four years and she was an older goat when we got her.  She was a wonderful friend to the horses, especially the fillies in the winter.  She used to choose a stall to sleep in and the fillies were so sweet with her – we used to say you could see how they would be with their own foals!    We were so lucky to have her, she was the perfect pet, she didn’t get into stuff like goats sometimes do.  She was very affectionate and knew people’s voices.  She’s buried on the walking ring and Anita is going to plant some flowers.{jcomments on}

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