Two runners, two Stakes, two wins

sanagas_2Both runners today ran in Stakes and both won!  Sanagas was the first and he ran in the John’s Call Stakes at Saratoga.  It was the first year that John’s Call himself wasn’t there to lead the horses to the start as he sadly died over the winter.  Sanagas seems to be a little quirky over here.  In his last race at Arlington the jockey said whenever he went to ride him he veered to the rail so we put on the Blackie/Icabad Crane blinker today.  In the stretch run he veered over to the stands!  Maybe we need two extended blinkers!  Thankfully he still won after losing the extra ground but it’s a mystery as apparently he never did those antics in Germany.  He only ran right handed but he only messes around in the stretch, not around the turns so it doesn’t make sense.  Anyway, congratulations (again) to Dr. Andreas Jacobs from Germany.

The other was my ‘boy’ Deal Making.  He wouldn’t appreciate me saying it but he reminds me of a deer!  Dainty head – and those eyes!  {jcomments on}He won the Rebellino Stakes at Penn National this evening – and he went straight!  Congratulations to George Strawbridge, Jr.

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