What A First Day!

How close!

The first day of the Belmont meet and we couldn’t have two winners with our two runners as they were in the same race.  Ultra Brat and Miss Katie Mae ran in the Christiecat Stakes.  Miss Katie Mae, a proven grass runner over the distance, Ultra Brat a proven runner over the distance on dirt having never tried the turf.  With Miss Katie Mae in a good position throughout Ultra Brat trailed and I was thinking well it was a good experiment and turned my attention to Miss Katie Mae wending her way through the front runners to go on a win the race – until…..a streak came flying up the middle of the track – Ultra Brat!  She beat her on the wire and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one sitting there with my jaw dropped!  Pity they couldn’t both have won but both ran their hearts out so congratulations to both but a special mention of course to Ultra Brat’s owner and breeder Alex Campbell, Jr. who was watching from his home in Florida.

Photo credit to Coglianese photo – Joe Labozzetta

1 Comment

  1. Susan WhitenackSeptember 10, 2016

    Hello Sue K. and all the Fair Hill staff!
    What an amazing, wonderful (and unexpected!) finish for Ultra Brat! Miss Katie Mae also looked good — as you say, too bad they BOTH could not win!
    I hope to come down to Fair Hill soon — perhaps Friday, Sept. 16th — I will check in this coming week to let you know for sure. All best wishes, Susan W.

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