Pop Rocks Lady 2013

Many horses go through our hands and we of course find them homes if they are still with us at the time of need but sometimes a horse leaves and you can’t get them out of your mind.  Pop Rocks Lady was one of those.  She was claimed from us in 2017 but thankfully with a nice trainer who gave her the winter off and brought her back to racing in the Spring of 2018.  She ran all year and in fact won another race, against the boys, but I knew she wasn’t going to go on forever.  Her fantastic previous owner and I pooled our resources and she came back to us just before Christmas on 2018.  She had a couple of weeks to let down, get turned out, etc. and then Trish Hechter who had previously given Ballast, Red Dust and Baron Slew a great home, said she’d take ‘Poppy’ for her new forever home on the Eastern shore.  It couldn’t have worked out better, especially as Poppy has decided she’s the leader of the herd so she’s in her element!

Pop Rocks Lady 2013

Career Racing Summary:
Starts  Firsts  Seconds  Thirds  Earnings
28         2           3             3         $68,230

We’ve had plenty of photos already and there will definitely be more to follow!

Poppy and Merlin the Connemara pony have become fast friends

Ballast who is now 18 (2019) on the left – Poppy of course in the middle!

August 2021

New rider

January 2024

Sunning herself after a few snowy cold days!

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