Seven Kingdoms 2006

Seven was always an odd horse.  He had no front teeth as he had apparently bitten into a fence as a yearling, pulled back and forgot to let go!   Nobody really liked riding him either as he would freeze and flip.  He did eventually run three times, winning his first race.  After his third it was decided to retire him and as he would have been a hard horse to place the owner asked Pat Dale of Three Plain Bays in Conowingo, Maryland to board him there for the rest of his life (wish there were more like him).  As of writing he has been there for eleven years and miraculously (a year or so ago) grew a front tooth!  He is very happy and has a very important job babysitting broodmares.

Seven Kingdoms 2006

Career Racing Summary
Starts   Firsts   Seconds   Thirds   Earnings
3            1             0               0      $12,600

With his harem……


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