You’re My Buddy 2009

Last year (2016) R.A.C.E. called us to say that You’re My Buddy was coming to the end of his career in Puerto Rico and that the trainer had asked if they were interesting in getting him re-homed on the mainland.  Graham and Anita donated some money and R.A.C.E. got a Go Fund me page going and people were SO generous to raise the money to bring him back where he spent a month or so in quarantine in Florida before making the trip (thank you Brookledge) to his birthplace, Airdrie Farm in Kentucky, who had very graciously said they would take him back.

As you can see from the photo Laura Sullivan from Airdrie sent below he is doing well and is very happy.

You’re My Buddy 2009

Career Racing Summary:
Starts   Firsts    Seconds   Thirds   Earnings
44           6             11              9        $101,480


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