Awixa 2006

Colleen Chambers is now the proud owner of sweet Awixa.  We lost track of him for a while when he left here but a chance meeting brought him back.  Colleen says “I’ve owned him for about 4 years now, and have had the absolute best time with him.  Between eventing, dressage, jumper shows, paperchases, and trail rides we stay pretty entertained.  He is quite the athlete, and also has the best manners of any horse I’ve ever owned.  He’s also been a very sound horse.  Needless to say, I am very happy to have found him and to have made the connection to his past!”

When I opened the photo it was entitled Fair Hill so he was at a show right here!


Awixa 2006

Career Racing Summary:
Starts  Firsts  Seconds  Thirds  Earnings
5         0        2            0     $16,157

awixa_fairhill_14_001 copy

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