Ballast 2001

Ballast was retired at the age of ten years old and now lives on the Eastern shore with Trish Hechter and is wonderfully happy going on trail rides in the woods and by the water. Now he’s progressed to small hunter shows and doing very well.

Ballast At the Eastern Show in June 2013


Ballast 2001

Career Racing Summary:
Starts Firsts Seconds Thirds Earnings
56     12       12         5     $ 575,380

Ballast w_blues

One of his favorite things to do is to ‘give lesson’s’!

4 year old Sarah walking under Ballast.  He doesn’t care!


Update – June 17th, 2018

Would you have ever thought Ballast would be this Mello?
The child is Lucy O’Shaughnessy.  She will be 2 in September.  This morning is the first time she sat on horses without screaming:).
When I got on Ballast, she wanted “up up”on him.
October 8th, 2018
Please read below the wonderful article Trish has about Ballast on her website –
August 2021
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