Sumo 2006

A few people bandied together towards the end of last year to get 9 year old Sumo off the track.  It was time.  He ran his last race in September 2015 finishing last for $7,500.   He spent a few weeks at Fair Hill to decompress after having been on the track for so many years without a break and was adopted locally by Michelle Pfiffer.  Michelle was looking for a horse to hack around and do low level eventing with.  His knees were sore so the vet suggested he have the winter off before learning his new job.  Michelle has sat on him a few times, just to sit on him and walk him around and she said he’s been wonderful!  He lives with her retired mare and is thoroughly enjoying his new life.  He particularly loved playing in the snow this winter….


Sumo 2006

Starts  Firsts  Seconds  Thirds  Earnings
68           7          17          12         $282,443

Sumo -1 Sumo snow Sumo snow2

Updated photos – 8.22.17

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