Carob 2015

Carob did not make it to the races and was recently retired with a 14 year old girl who just loves her.  They are both local so hopefully we’ll see them around!

The is what Jaelynn’s mother wrote to us:
Carob now “Cara” is enjoying her downtime and loving every minute of it bonding with her “sister horse” AnnaBelle. She is enjoying their own pasture that the two of them share together. Cara is a total sweetheart that comes running to us as soon as we get to the farm each day. She follows my daughter Jaelynn around wherever she goes and has already claimed her as “her person”! They have such a bond that watching the two of them melts my heart. When Cara completes her downtime she will be ridden English by my daughter who will be showing her in hunters and all of our local shows and 4-H shows including the Cecil County Fair! We are so blessed to welcome this beautiful, sweet girl to our family! I cant wait to see what the future holds for the two of them!

We are so excited for them both and below are some photos.  Sure does get a lot of loving!

Carob 2015

Career Racing Summary
Starts  First   Second   Third   Earnings
0         0           0           0           0

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