Celebre (IRE) 2017

Celebre started her racing career with a couple of runs in Ireland and finished it in the US with three starts, all with no wins, so Eclipse Thoroughbred Partners retired her and Ashley Conner, a show horse trainer in Florida was happy to take her on.  She turned her out for about six weeks for R & R.

Celebre (IRE)

Career Racing Summary
Starts  Firsts  Seconds  Thirds  Earnings
5          0            0            1         $6,024

Follow her on Ashley’s Facebook page – Ashley L. Conner Equestrian

She sends great videos – see below

First ride at a local show

In paddock with Got Blues and Safari Queen

Buddying up with Safari Queen

Tacked up and ready to go!

Ashley calls her Rory and has a new playlist on YouTube which she updates regularly – Ashley L. Conner Equestrian





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